
The Internet Browser you use will affect your experience using this online service. It is recommended that you use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

Our Online Services currently include Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Property Tax, Water Usage, Waste Disposal, view invoices and payment history, set up e-billing, and more.

To Register and View Your Account(s):

  1. Login:
  • If you are already registered and have linked your account(s), please click on the Login button at the top right corner of the page.
  1. Registration:
  • If you are not registered, click Sign Up, which can be also found under Quick Links.
  • If you need assistance making an account, please click the Show Me How button, in the Sign Up page.
  • You'll need the Account or Roll number of the account you want to add and the Access/PIN for that account.
  • If you do not have your Access/PIN, please contact the Town Office at 780.826.3496 to obtain your Access/PIN.
  1. Creating an Account:
  • Create your username, which must include a minimum of five characters and no spaces. You may include a period in the username (example: John.Smith). No Email Addresses as a username.
  • You must provide an email address to verify your account during registration.
  • Your password must include at least 8 characters and one special character, such as @, !, $, *, etc.
  1. Adding Additional Accounts:
  • Once registration is complete, a new screen will appear. Click on your Profile name in the top right corner, in the middle of the page you'll see Need to Add an Account?
  • Select account type ex, "PT-Property Taxes" for the account group, choose “000-Town of Bonnyville” for the Jurisdiction.
  • You will need the Account or Roll number, as well as the Access/PIN when adding new accounts.
  • Click Save account. (You may add more than one property tax account by repeating the process and choosing Save again).
  1. Viewing Your Account(s):
  • Place your cursor over the Online Services tab at the top right corner and click on the service you want. The Quick Links menu also includes direct links to these services.

Quick Links